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The ultimate guide to maintaining a happy and healthy relationship

Love is beautiful! The joy of waking up beside your special one is nothing compared to hugging a teddy when sleeping. The happy moments, relationship drama, annoying misunderstandings, unexplainable unity, and the bond formed make the experience memorable.

As humans, we have differences, which is no different with couples deeply in love.

Every relationship starts with happy moments, but the actual test of any relationship is TIME. How healthy or toxic will your relationship be in the long run?

Sadly only a few relationships stand firm after the first six months.

Moving on, do you want to have a healthy and long-lasting relationship? Well, I bring you good tidings!

In this guide, I will elaborate on ten habits of happy couples in healthy relationships.

Here's a quick summary of the article:

The following points are further elaborated for clarity and comprehension.

1. Reciprocity

Happy couples reciprocate each other's love. You received a call from a friend seeking assistance desperately, and out of your generosity, you lent a helping hand. Fast forward to the present, you require help, and you reach out to this person only for them to tactically sideline your request. How would you feel?

Only the one who 'cares less' would let the scenario described above slide without feeling hurt or disappointed. While one can ignore it in a casual friendship, a lack of reciprocity can't be shoved aside in romantic relationships.

Reciprocity of love is essential to a healthy relationship; making your relationship one-sided is a surefire way to wreck the ship.

2. Appreciation

It is essential to recognise your partner's effort in making it possible that your demands are attended to. It takes nothing to tell them how much they mean to you; a little pat and a long deep stare in the eye could relay a more heartfelt message than the most eloquent words. Appreciation is the spice that sweetens a relationship.

You could schedule a hangout or maybe just a light party where your Special One takes the spotlight in the event; you could make a public declaration of how much your spouse has helped you so far, just anything to let them know that you are very much aware of their effort in making your relationship grow, healthy.

Your appreciation will encourage them to do more.

3. Engaging In Each Others Interests

Showing zero interest or participation in what makes your partner happy or fulfilled is one way of telling them you don't care. Happy couples create time to engage in each other's hobbies. Even if you can't participate physically, ask them questions, and listen attentively, allow them to talk about their passion.

If you find out how much cooking means to them, and you aren't the type for getting your hands laden with spice and seasoning, you could engage by being present and helping to pass the plates or the ingredients they need. That singular act of engaging in their interest would live the memory and would make the relationship healthy and comforting.

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4. Always Celebrate Birthdays And Anniversary

Naturally, we are drawn to anyone who shows genuine interest in what seemingly should be our private life. Likewise, we are open to individuals who painstakingly take their time to remember our birthdays.

Birthdays and anniversaries can strengthen the emotional bond in a healthy relationship and should be remembered promptly. When recalled by couples, these rare moments go a long way to enhance the love and, when ignored, could be the time bomb waiting to explode in the relationship.

5. Positive statements

Words unlock the hearts of men. A simple word of encouragement can boost the morale of someone doing something they usually find daunting. Never underestimate the power of positive statements; every relationship needs a daily dose of this medicine.

A positive statement would help improve your spouse's mood when they experience a rough day at work or on the road. Your positive words can lift your partner's spirits and encourage them to embark on a highly demanding yet profitable venture.